High Sierra Chapter Minutes


July 17, 2024 Meeting Notes

Jim reports account balance is $4753 plus 15 individual and 16 family memberships. There is $534 in the food drive kitty.

Liability insurance: when we host a public event, we can purchase insurance for $150 per event with Markel.

The Annual Channel 2 Share-Your-Christmas Food Drive will be Friday, December 13th at Grand Sierra. We will have a vintage wagon pulled by a team of Percherons to carry club members and food donations.

Annual Summer Potluck & BBQ at Larry & Gail’s house at 7565 Bluff View Way, Reno, will be August 10th at 6 pm. Larry and Terry will provide chicken and ribs. Please call or text Larry asap for RSVP and what side dish you will bring at 775-230-1648.

Toni will get in touch with Holly about website updates. Board members will hold a meeting TBA to update events and info.

The 2025 Bryce Canyon Trip dates have been pushed forward one week. With possible departure on April 27th and camp/ride is officially be April 28th to May 4th.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm. See you all on the trail!

January 17, 2024

Call to Order: Jim called the meeting to order 7:00 p.m. at Black Bear Diner, 2323 So Virginia St., Reno, NV

President Report: Jim reported bank account balance is $3920.18

We will resume passing the Food Drive donation pouch around the table at meetings again.

As of this evening we have 8 single and 10 family memberships paid for 2024.

Jim asked for volunteers to do a booth at the Silver Spurs 4H Consignment Tack Sale on February 17th and 18th. Bailey volunteered and will get with Jim and Jerry about retrieving the table and materials needed. The contact email address for the 4H club is: sks4hclub@gmail.com.

The annual Back Country Horsemen of Nevada State Meeting will be Feb. 17th in Tonopah, NV. Please contact Jim if you plan to attend.

Vice President Report: Our annual Calendar Meeting will be held at Toni’s house, 290 Cinch Rd., Rancho Haven area, on Saturday, February 24th starting at 11:30. This will be a potluck lunch so please bring a dish to share.

Jerry advised a meeting with stakeholders such as Friends of Nevada Wilderness, BLM, Forest Service, etc. will take place in Elko on 2/14/24 to discuss events those entities have planned for 2024 and which events we may be able to assist with. Jerry will bring the information to the Calendar Meeting.

Jerry will also be in contact with the Bridgeport, CA Forest Service Ranger to discuss trail work requests and let us know the outcome.

Our next meeting will be 2/21/24 at 7:00 p.m. at Black Bear Diner.

Meeting adjourned 7:40 p.m.


December 2, 2023

THANK YOU to Larry and Gail for hosting again this year. We had a nice turnout.

2024 President: Jim Dragoo
Vice President: Toni Burton
Secretary: Dodi Broker
Treasurer: Jim Dragoo
Director: Steve Hall
Director: Larry Fenkell
Director: Jerry Williams

Please let Jerry know ASAP (775-313-6025) if you DO plan to go on the Las Vegas area trip in March: Travel day: 3/17 Camp at Moapa Rodeo-Fairgrounds 3/18 - 3/22 Travel day: 3/23

Need your 2024 membership dues soon.

November 15, 2023, 7 pm

1. Christmas Party at Larry’s house on Dec 2nd, starts at 5:30pm
Potluck and white elephant exchange (under 25$ preferably horse-related (wrapped with no name))
Dues due in Dec. usually discuss at party
Meeting at party not at Black Bear
Include everyone to be able to vote or if they want to nominate someone for officer
Get your nominations in by November 29th

2. T-shirts -call Amber and hopefully have them at the party to hand out -$15 for each shirt
Dues: $45 single $60 family

Treasurer’s report: $3,751.18
Prepare for the canned food drive for Nov 2024 --having 4 people on the ground to help hold animals and one to help clean up manure --start with a jar and donating money throughout year and then buying food when it’s time

Reviewed state by-laws on Tues 14th
Who is going to or wants to go to Vegas in March.
How many reservations and trucks and trailers? confirmation by Dec 15th Next meeting: Dec 2nd at Xmas party

Meeting Adjourned

September 20, 2023

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.

9/30/23 BBQ will be at Toni's house, potluck and rsvp to Toni (290 Cinch Rd. Reno)

Logos for shirts (with $400 from State org that needs to be spent by the end of the year), using Amber Clark in Gardnerville
1. chapter logo (pick one at the meeting)
2. button up shirt for meetings
3. color blue pallet of BCHA logo and Nevada flag
4. Long sleeve for working

10 single memberships 12 family memberships

Treasurer report: $3640.18

Turn in mileage and hours reports, to and from events

Vests for members to wear when fixing fences and other events

Christmas Party, Dec. 2nd, Gail & Larry's place, potluck and white elephant gifts less than $25

Adjourned 7:45 p.m.

August 16, 2023

Jim called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Three guests were introduced: Bill, David, Kari

We have 10 single and 10 family memberships

Account balance is $3640.

Washoe Valley State Park Project
Eight members participated in repairing the north east perimeter fence and bbq lunch. After lunch, a few members participated in a pack saddle fitting session in the large arena. Jim reminded everyone to submit their hours and mileage for our dats spreadsheet.

Due to hunting conflicts the September BBQ will now be held at Toni Burton's house on Sept. 30th, 2:00 p.m. at 290 Cinch Road, off the north end of Red rock Road, so please rsvp to Toni at 530-219-2538.

Discussion held on having club shirts with decals to advertise our chapter when doing volunteer work and attending events. The State org will provide the first $400 toward this advertising. Members wanting shirts will pay the balance for the first shirt and total cost for any additional shirts they may want.

Anyone with any ideas about what the decal design should look like, or style of shirt members prefer, please present them at the September BBQ meeting for a vote.

The Heller's have offered to lead a day ride from Spooner lake to Marlette Lake on September 8th. They will advise of more details soon. Keep an eye on your emails for updates.

Friends of Nevada Wilderness (FONS) and United States Forest Service (USFS) work project coming up:

Table Mountain: pack out trash from the Scuffies admin site using the Barley Creek trail. trailhead camping at the Barley Creek Trailhead will be August 25th to 28th. Point of contact is Jerry at 775-313-6025.

June 21, 2023

Opened meeting at 701 pm.

Members at meeting Jim, Toni, Jerry, Josie, Evan, Larry, Don

President Report. We will do the hitching post event on July8th.at 9:00 am. we will clean up the area first then have a pot luck lunch. After lunch those who would like can go for a ride.

The annual bbq will be at Terry Grams house on September 23rd.

Steve brought up the idea about doing something at the rodeo. We tried our booth a few years ago it didnt work out so good. The Rodeo is for cowboys not packers. We voted not to do the Rodeo.

Josie would like to do a pack clinic at her place later on this year.

Is everyone gitting the news letter from national? I am getting it by email not news paper. Don said he is getting it by news paper. Jerry is going to ask Harlene to please send it to all our members.

Next years we are going to help Debbi Balsinger on Memorial day to put flags at Fallon cemetery.

We have 9 singles and 11 family

We have $3700.18 in the bank Closed meeting at 8:46pm

February 15, 2023

Jim called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Holly was given a check for $34.34 for our web site renewal.
Jerry will take a laptop to the state meeting and Harlene will help complete the annual IRS card.
Our account balance is $4950, and we have 6 single and 8 family memberships.
The annual BCHNV State Meeting is coming up on Feb. 25th in Tonopah from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
There will be a calendar meeting at Toni’s house on March 11th at 12:00, potluck.
Thank you Toni, for donating the beautiful rope basket for the High Sierra Chapter to contribute to the national meeting silent auction! Thank you Josie, for donating the beautiful cinch handmade by your mother to go in the basket! We need more horse-related items for the basket. If you would like to donate something, please get it to Jim, Jerry or Don as soon as possible.
Don would like us to consider how we would like to spend the remainder of our allotted monies from State.
Don performed a knife sharpening demonstration, and advised everyone should carry a knife that can be opened with one hand.
Meeting adjourned 8:30.



2019 and Earlier