High Sierra Chapter Minutes 2022

October 19, 2022

Jim’s Notes: Opened meeting 7:01 p.m. Bank statement sent to wrong address, retrieved and address corrections made. Current bank balance is $4004. We have 9 single and 9 family memberships.

The Christmas Party and December meeting will be December 10th, 6:00, at Larry & Gail’s house. This will be a potluck and white elephant gift exchange with gift limit of $25.

Jerry is working on panniers.

The food drive is December 9th. Helpers needed, please contact Jerry at 313-6025. If we don’t have helpers, we will donate a check. Last year we gave $700. We need food drive donations from members.

There will be a fence repair club event at Washoe Lake on November 12th at 9:00. This will be a potluck lunch and ride after lunch.

New members: Buck and Toni Burton

September 21, 2022

Jim's meeting notes: Call to Order: 7:00 p.m.

President Report: Club BBQ at Larry and Gail's house went well and a lot of people showed up. We have 9 single memberships and 8 family memberships. Our account balance is $4004.00.

Vice Present Report: Jerry, Larry, and Terry packed out a with Friends of Nevada Wilderness crew. Misc. Steve found out how much it would cost to make panniers. $600 each. The club voted to buy a set and Steve will order it. We will pay for them out of our money from the State org.

We will talk about the annual food drive at our October meeting.

Christmas Party will be at Larry & Gail's house on December 20th at 6:00 pm. Gift limit is $25.

Our next meeting will be at Black Bear diner on October 29th at 7:00 pm.

June 15, 2022

Notes from Jim, President

Called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Roll Call: Jim, Jerry Don, Mary, Tammy President report: Washoe Lake equestrian obstacle course maintenance went well. Thank you to all the members (and guests) who participated. Please email or call Jerry with your mileage and hours reports. Current bank balance is $3994. Don is working on getting patches for our work vests, and new trailer decals. Membership stands at 8 single memberships and 9 family memberships. Meeting adjourned 7:30 p.m.

April 20, 2022

Notes from Jim:

Several members attended the pleasure ride and BBQ lunch at Sun Valley Regional Park. Thank you to those who participated. Current account balance is $3824.18, and the annual PO Box fee has been paid. The NASTR club donated $100 do our club and Jim sent a thank you card. 8 single and 7 family memberships.

Notes from Jerry:

Steve will attend the FONW wilderness first aid classes in June at Rancho San Rafael Park. Discussion held on what to do with $100 refund we received from State. It was decided Don would purchase BCH patches and Gail volunteered to sew them on club work vests. Reminded of the Bryce Canyon Utah Trail Week statewide members event from June 7th through 14th at Bryce Valley Ranch RV & Horse Park in Cannonville, Utah. More information can be found on the BCH Nevada website under the Bristlecone Chapter link. Requested suggestions from members about when and where we could book some for-pleasure camping or packing trips this year. Further discussion will be held at the May meeting.

Due to conflicting schedules, we switched two event dates as follows: Saturday, May 14th, Thomas Creek Hitching Post Maintenance, begin at 10:00, followed by potluck lunch (club will provide burgers and dogs) and then a trail ride. Saturday, June 4th, Washoe Lake State Park Equestrian Obstacle Course Maintenance, begin at 9:00 followed by potluck lunch (club will provide burgers and dogs) and then a trail ride. There will be no park entrance fee for members working on the obstacle course. Friends of Nevada Wilderness packing projects: July 15 to 20: Pine Creek at Mt. Jefferson, or Cottonwood Creek at Table Mountain August 12 to 17: Pine Creek at Mt. Jefferson, or Cottonwood Creek at Table Mountain August 26 to 31: Hendry’s Creek at Mt. Moriah The day before each event will be a travel day.

Next meeting: Wednesday, May 18th, 6:00 p.m., Black Bear Diner, So. Virginia Street.

March 2022

Meeting Minutes March 16, 2022

President: Jim Dragoo Director: Steve Hall V.P.: Jerry Williams Director: Larry Fenkell Secretary: Dodi Broker

1. Call to Order: Jim called meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Members present: Jim, Jerry, Dodi, Steve, Mindy, Larry, Terry, Joel, Mary, Lynne (virtual)

2. Officer Reports: President: Jim reported Harlene kindly submitted our annual IRS reporting card, and our bank account balance is currently $3928. Don presented amended State org. by-laws from the February meeting. V.P.: Jerry gave information on FONW summer events, but will be clarifying dates before our next meeting.

3. New Business: The following events were discussed and calendared:
a. Scout Camp, April 2nd, 9:00 a.m. Clean corrals and begin work on the east trail. Jerry will contact Rangers to advise of plans for trail maintenance and reserve the equine camping spots. (Some members may arrive Friday and camp for the weekend.)
b. Washoe Lake State Park, May 14th, 10:00 a.m. Equine obstacle course maintenance and beach clean up. Jerry will also check in with Rangers about repairing some perimeter barbed wire fencing.`
c. Thomas Creek, June 4th, 10:00 a.m. Hitching post maintenance, ride and potluck BBQ. Club will provide hamburgers and hot dogs.

4. Upcoming Events April 2nd: Scout Camp April 20th: Meeting 6:00 p.m. Black Bear Diner, Reno May 14th: Washoe Lake

5. Adjournment Meeting adjourned 6:50 p.m.

February 2022

Meeting notes from February 16, 2022 by Jim Dragoo

Terry, Jerry, Jim, Steve and Mindy, Don and Mary were present.
Account balance is presently $3868.
Harlene will assist us with filing the IRS tax form this year.
Don will attend to the State meeting on February 19th.
Jerry completed our annual Volunteer Report which Don will deliver at Tonopah.
Voted not to send two delegates to the National Meeting.
We will sponsor one if someone volunteers.
Meetings will now be held the third Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. instead of 7.

January 2022

Meeting Notes 1/19/22 by Jim Dragoo

Present: Jim, Terry, Don, Jerry, Mary
5 single memberships and 5 family memberships to-date.
Jim is working on the 990-n IRS form.
The annual State meeting will be 2/19/22.
No volunteers from the north for national meeting Rep to-date.
Paid to State $372.00 for 2021 membership dues.
Not paying for State rep dues unless someone volunteers to attend.
Treasurer report: $3993.28 bank balance.
Jerry sent agenda item(s) to State for the National meeting.
The National Meeting 2022 will be on Zoom.
Next meeting will be February 16, 2022, Black Bear Diner, 7:00 p.m.



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